第8回エコデザイン特別展に出品 ー ハビターレ・デザインフェア2016


ペッカ・ハルニはコンパクトサイズのソファ、ユカ・タカハシは多機能な家具ADB&B (アームチェア・ディバン・ベッド&ベンチ)を出展します。両作品ともフィンランドの白樺を使った木製の家具で組み立て分解ができ小さな梱包ができるしようになっています。ぜひご来場ください!

場所: Helsinki Fair Center: Habitare Hall 7.

日時: 7-11.09.2016

web http://habitare.messukeskushelsinki.fi/info/?lang=en


The exhibition features a total of 30 designs.

Theme of the exhibtion:

Interior product of which at least 3⁄4 is made of certified wood. Also the other materials used has to be certified and recyclable.

The basis for planning:

In addition to cutting-edge design the basis for planning is as ecological production as possible: material choices, production process, packaging and logistics, use, durability and maintainability and recyclability – the whole life-cycle of the product is carefully taken into consideration.

詳細はこちら: www.ecodesign.fi